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Meet our new trustees!

At Friends of Amani UK's most recent board meeting, we were delighted to welcome two new trustees to the team. Cathy and Stephen Bartlam from Birmingham have known Amani for a number of years, with their two sons having visited the centre in 2013.

Steve has a background in project management and now works for international NGOs, and Cathy is a former social worker, so we are sure they will make a fantastic addition to the team. You can find out more about them on our 'About Us' page.

As trustees of FOA-UK, Cathy and Steve will support us in fundraising, raising awareness and helping to ensure that FOA-UK continues to fulfil all the requirements of a UK-registered charity. Operating as a UK registered charity means that Amani's UK supporters can connect with one another and continue donating in the most convenient way possible, including generating additional income for Amani through GiftAid.

The Board of Trustees would like to thank Jon Challinor, who had joined the board of trustees for a two year term, for all his hard work and support. We wish him and his family all the best for the future.

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© 2023 Friends of Amani UK

UK Reg. Charity Number: 1107618

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