Trustee Janika's Trip to Amani

News straight from Moshi this week, as Friends of Amani UK Trustee Janika returns from a month with Amani.
Janika spent a few weeks with the fundraising and communications team in Moshi. While there, she worked on new brochures and fundraising resources to share with donors and to spread the word about the amazing work Amani does on a daily basis.
Spending every day at the office also gave her a chance to see some of Amani’s most exciting new projects first hand, and to feel the incredible impact Amani’s unique model has on the lives of individual children on a day-to-day basis.
The nurturing, familial environment at the centre, and the staff’s professionalism and the refusal to give up on a child was tangible. It was so impressive to see how integrated Amani is with the local community, working with families, elders and the wider community to ensure the long term flourishing of each child.
If you yourself would like to get to know Amani’s work first hand, consider becoming an Amani Ambassador or long term volunteer. To find out more about these rewarding schemes, visit the Amani website at