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New Amani Greeting Card Design by Debbie Carmichael

Debbie Carmichael, a Leeds-based artist and long-standing supporter of Amani, is releasing a new greeting card design in her collection.

Many of you will have sent or received her beautiful christmas cards over the years, or spotted her stunning designs of Tanzanian nature, wildlife and society on mantle pieces or fridges. Some of our favourite designs actually feature scenes from the Amani Centre - have a look at the catalogue to see if you can spot any familiar faces!

To celebrate the start of summer, Debbie is launching a new design 'Red Hibiscus' in both notelet and greeting card format. Any visitors to Moshi will have spotted these dramatic but delicate blooms all around town, or maybe even enjoyed them in a cup of tea or glass of tipple.

Debbie, who has supported Amani alongside her husband Robin for over 15 years, generously donates all proceeds from the sale of her cards, making them a great way to spread cheer while also raising awareness for Amani's amazing work with street children in Moshi.

Debbie Carmichael cards are available in small A6 notelets (£3 per 6-pack) and A5 greeting cards (£1 each), including envelopes.

See our new catalogue for the full list of designs and ordering instructions.

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UK Reg. Charity Number: 1107618

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