From Streets to Success -- The highest number ever!
September is a big month at Amani - the annual graduation ceremony is a pretty big deal. You can see from this years class photo that the kids are bursting with pride! Meindert, Amani's Executive Director, sent this message thanking supporters for making this momentous occasion possible:
"I always say your generosity transforms lives and these smiley faces show how true that it is. Every September there is a new batch of primary school graduates at Amani. This year they are 33!

In Tanzania only 60% of the children finish primary school and the former street children in the picture never thought they would be among them. When they were living on the streets they thought it was too late. They thought they would never save enough money to go to school. They thought there would be no future. But you believed in them. You gave them a chance.
Thanks to you, 33 homeless children have now become 33 proud primary school graduates. You will continue to be there for them, while they keep studying, until they become successful independent adults. I hope you are as proud of them as I am. Your generosity transforms lives - Thank You!" Meindert Schaap, Executive Director